- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 额定压力和温度 n.p.t. (normal pressure and temperature)
- 负温度系数 N.T.C. (negative temperature coefficient)
- 净重 N.wt. (net weight)
- 氮-16[放射性]活度 N16 activity
- 氮覆盖[层] N2 blanket
- 氮气缓冲箱 N2 buffer tank
- 充氮系统 N2 charging system
- 氮气接管 N2 connection nozzle
- 氮缓冲垫,氮气垫 N2 cushion
- 氮气滞留槽,氮气贮留槽 N2hold-up tank
- N2O4冷却[反应]堆 N2O4 cooled reactor
- 标准报警 NA (normal alarm)
- 不指定的,不赋值的 NA (not assigned)
- 水的钠污染 Na contamination of (the) water
- 钠冻结 Na freezing
- 钠-结合碳化燃料小库 Na-bonded carbide fuel pin
- 钠冷快增殖[反应]堆 Na-cooled fast breeder
- 钠-水反应 Na-H2O reaction
- 纳光电池 Na-photocell
- 钠-蒸汽热交换器 Na-to-steam heat exchanger
- 下一地址汇编寄存器 NAAR (next address assembly register)
- 净可避免成本 NAC (net avoidable cost)
- 发动机舱冷却 nacelle cooling
- 钠冷快增殖[反应]堆 NaFBR sodium cooled fast breeder reactor
- 长冈系数(计算线圈电感用) Nagaoka's coefficient