- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 手烧锅炉 hand fired boiler
- 手烧炉膛 hand fired furnace
- 手烧炉排 hand fired grate
- 手动装置 hand gear
- 手摇发电机 hand generator
- 手孔,检查孔 hand hole
- 提交,递交 hand in
- 手工嵌线,手工下线 hand insertion
- 行灯,手提灯 hand lamp
- 手提灯变压器 hand lamp transformer
- 手动吹灰枪,手提式喷枪 hand lance
- 手工吹灰 hand lancing
- 手持微型电话机,手持式送话器 hand microtelephone
- 定金,保证金 hand money
- 旋转方向 hand of rotation
- 手动切断 hand off
- 手动开关器 hand opener
- 手动单轨吊 hand operated monorail hoist
- 手动调节器 hand operated regulator
- 手动起动器 hand operated starter
- 凭付款交付 hand over against payment of the price
- 手工喷粉器 hand powder bulb
- 手摇泵 hand pump
- 手提式高温计 hand pyrometer
- 扶手 hand rail