银行帐户 bank account银行条例 bank act多心电缆,线弧电缆 bank cable银行电汇 bank cable transfer银行支票 bank check压火 bank coal fire触排接点 bank contact(国外汇兑的)银行即期支付 bank demand银行贴现 bank discount银行汇票 bank draft倾斜指示器 bank indicator路基边线纵断面,岸线纵断面 bank line profile银行借款 bank loan填方数量 bank measure线弧复式电缆,触排复接电缆 bank multiple cable电容器组 bank of capacitors线圈组 bank of coils凝汽器管束 bank of condenser pipes冷凝器组,电容器组 bank of condensers接点排,触头排,选择器线弧 bank of contacts错列管束 bank of staggered pipes全压排管 bank of total-head tubes变压器组 bank of transformers护岸,护坡 bank protection贴现率 bank rate 语际翻译 版权所有
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