- 钻井业常用专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 先增加后减少 climb up and then decline
- 浊点 cloud point
- 丛式井 cluster well
- 二氧化碳( CO2) carbon dioxide
- 聚结稳定性 coagulation stability
- 热凝橡胶 coagulative rubber
- 煤层 coal bed
- 煤层气储层 coalbed methane reservoir
- 粗分散泥浆 coarse dispersed mud
- 粗泡沫堵漏工艺 coarse-foam plugging technology
- 耗氧量( COD)chemical oxygen demand
- 单相关系数加权 coefficient weighted method of single correlation
- 内聚力 cohesion
- 符合率 coincidencerate
- 坍塌压力 collapse pressure
- 胶体率 colloid fraction
- 护胶剂 colloid protecting resistance
- 护胶作用 colloid stability
- 胶体稳定性 colloid stability
- 复合 combine
- 致密坚韧的胶膜 compact strong gel film
- 配伍性 compatibility
- 抗钙 compatibility of calcium
- 完井液 completion fluid
- 复杂度 complex rate