- 钻井业常用专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 硬脆性泥页岩 "hard and crisp/brittle shale
- 固化剂 "hardener
- 井壁稳定 "hole stability
- 腐殖酸 "humate
- 三高一适当 (3H1S)three high and one proper
- 碳酸氢根离子 (HCO3-)bicarbonate ion
- Lc50/96h值 half lethal concentration in 96 hours
- 有害固相 harmful solids
- 有毒物质 hazardous materials
- 抗温抗盐 heat and salinity tolerance
- 重金属离子 heavy metal ion
- 加重剂 heavy weight additive
- 铁矿粉 hematite
- 赫巴模式 Herschel-Buckley model
- 不均质储层 heterogeneous reservoir
- 高角度微裂缝 high angle micro-fracture
- 高难度 high challenge
- 荧光级别高 high class of florescence
- 超伸井 high deep well
- 高密度钻井液 high density drilling fluid
- 大井斜角 high deviation angle
- 大排量循环 high flow rate circulation
- 大排量洗井 high flow rate washover
- 高负荷 high load
- 强造浆软泥岩 high mud making soft shale
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