- 钻井业常用专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 栲胶 "tannin
- 热稳定性 "temperature resistance
- 屏蔽暂堵技术 "temporary shielding method
- 层间距 "the distance between the two crystal layer
- 增粘剂 "thickening agent
- 薄而韧的泥饼 "thin
- 降粘剂 "thinner
- 热重法 (TG)thermogravimetry
- 有助于 take benefit of
- 单宁酸 tannate
- 自来水 tap water
- 塔里木盆地 tarim basin
- 技术措施 technical measure
- 技术经济效果 technical-economic effect
- 温度 temperature
- 暂堵剂 temporary plugging additive
- 韧性 tenacity
- 韧性粒子 tenacity particle
- 张力 tension
- 末端毛细管阻力 terminal capillary pressure
- 叔胺盐 tertiary ammonium salt
- 应用表明 test and verify
- 纺织 textile
- 颗粒级配理论 theory of granulartity
- 紧密堆积理论 theory of high packing
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