- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 香菇猪腿罐头 canned pork leg with mushroom
- 午餐肉罐头 canned pork luncheon meat
- 豆酱肉末罐头 canned pork mince with bean paste
- 家禽罐头 canned poultry
- 禽肉罐头 canned poultry meat
- 干菜罐头 canned products of preserved vegetable
- 李子罐头 canned prune
- 密封泵 canned pump
- 兔肉罐头 canned rabbit
- 香菇烧鸡罐头 canned roast chicken with mushroom
- 烤鸡罐头 canned roasted chicken
- 烤鹅罐头 canned roasted goose
- 玫瑰枣蓉罐头 canned rose date jam
- 玫瑰大头菜罐头 canned rose flavour salted turnip
- 茄汁沙丁鱼罐头 canned sardine in tomato sauce
- 香肠罐头 canned sausage
- 贝类罐头 canned shellfish
- 短段青刀豆罐头 canned short cut bean
- 虾罐头 canned shrimp
- 荷包鲢鱼罐头 canned silver carp with meat filling
- 小竹笋罐头 canned slender bamboo shoot
- 苹果片罐头 canned sliced apple
- 蛇羹罐头 canned snake soup
- 甲鱼汤罐头 canned soft-shelled turtle soup
- 细面条罐头 canned spaghetti