- 进出口专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 杀真菌素 cabicidin
- 吊舱索道 cabin cableway
- 窗钩 cabin hook
- 仓式定量给料机 cabin ration feeding machine
- 吊舱索道 cabin ropeway
- 机壳 cabinet
- 烘箱 cabinet drier
- 半圆锉 cabinet file
- 电视机柜 cabinet for television set
- 箱式扬声器 cabinet loudspeaker
- 细木工棍条夹钳 cabinet makers' bar clamp
- 柜镜 cabinet mirror
- 柜式烤炉 cabinet oven
- 配电盘 cabinet panel
- 木工刨 cabinet plane
- 机箱架 cabinet rack
- 木工刮刀 cabinet scraper
- 箱式扬声器 cabinet speaker
- 箱式通气器 cabinet ventilator
- 柜式防水开关 cabinet water-proof switch
- 云龙神台 cabinet with dragon design
- 带镜立柜 cabinet with mirror door
- 柜式孵卵器 cabinet-type hatcher
- 柜式开关 cabinet-type switch
- 细木工机械 cabinet-working machinery