- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 放热反应 Exothermic reaction
- 外生菌根 Exotrophic mycorrhiza
- 膨胀 Expansion
- 伸缩缝 Expansion-joint
- 期望价 Expectation value
- 森林期望价 Expectation value of forest
- 法正蓄积期望价 Expectation value of normal growing stock
- 土地期望价 Expectation value of soil
- 林木期望价 Expectation value of stand
- 单独林森林期望价 Expectation-value of forest of a single stand
- 法正作业级之森林期望价 Expectation-value of forest of normal working section
- 林木期望价 Expectation-value of the growing-stock of a single wood
- 管理费 Expense for administration
- 林木采收费 Expense of harvesting and of collection of revenue
- 试验场 Experiment-station
- 试验区 Experimental area
- 试验区 Experimental plot
- 利用度 Exploitability
- 可开发的 Exploitable
- 经济的利用龄,伐期龄 Exploitable age
- 利用,作业,经营 Exploitation
- 经济的利用林 Exploitation-forest
- 输出标准程序 Export standard schedule
- 运输道路 Export-road
- 方位 Exposure