- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 欧洲接骨木 European red elder (Sambucus racemosa, Linn.)
- 蒸发作用 Evaporation
- 均匀木理 Even grain
- 同龄林 Even-aged forest
- 同龄林分 Even-aged stand
- 同even-aged forest Even-aged wood
- 月季花 Everflowering rose (Rosa chiensis, Jacq.)
- 常绿的 Evergreen
- 常绿槠 Evergreen oak (Quercus Ilex,L.)
- 缴款通知书 Exaltation-register
- 掘取 Excavation
- 木毛 Excelsior(wood-wool)
- 过高(层积超过高度) Excess height
- 过长(层积超过长度) Excess length
- 过剩积蓄 Excess of growingstock
- 过量 Excess volume
- 买卖价,交换价 Exchange -value
- 种子交换 Exchange of seeds
- 独占度 Exclusiveness
- 瘤状 Excrescence
- 瘤节 Excrescence burl
- 排气管 Exhaust pipe
- 废汽 Exhaust steam
- 土地耗损 Exhaustion of soil
- 外皮 Exodermis