凸凹齿状 Erose侵蚀作用 Erosion火成岩 Eruptive rock精油 Essential oil成立,种子脱粒室 Establishment比较估计法 Estimating according to the results of past fellings每本估计法 Estimating by trees全林估测法 Estimating the volume of the wood as a whole目测法 Estimation by eye盛夏景色 Estival aspect蚀刻 Etching粗油脂 Ether extract乙醇 Ethyl alcohol乙烯 Ethylene褪色 Etiolation桉树类 Eucalyptus桉树油 Eucalyptus oil丁香油 Eugenol真菌类 Eumycetes大戟乳液 Euphorbone同common alder European alder稠梨 European bird cherry (Prunus padus, Linn.)茶蔗子 European black currant (Ribes nigrum, Linn.)西洋接骨木 European elder (Sambucus nigra, Linn.)欧洲落叶松 European larch (Larix europea, D.C.)语际翻译 版权所有
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