- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 干燥器 Desiccator
- 铜法人造丝制造法 Despaissis process
- 蛅蟖食害 Destruction by caterpillars
- 干馏 Destructive distillation
- 滥伐 Destructive lumbering
- 滥伐 Destructive working
- 基本施业案 Detail plan
- 说明书 Detailed account
- 制材 Detailed conversion of wood
- 凋萎 Deterioration
- 采伐预定 Determination of cut
- 收额预定法 Determination and regulation of the yield
- 后价算定 Determination of future value
- 保安林决定法 Determination of protection forests
- 地位查定 Determination of the quality of locality
- 求积法 Determination of volume
- 直径级求积法 Determination of volume by means of diameter-classes
- 树高级求级法 Determination of volume by means of height-classes
- 标准地求积法 Determination of volume by means of sample-plots
- 树木求积法 Determination of volume of tree
- 林分材积测定法 Determination of volume of whole woods
- 伐采量测定法 Determination of yield
- 雷管 Detonator
- 圆锥砂砾堆 Detrital cone
- 荒废 Devastation