- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 铺板 Deal
- 小型框锯 Deal frame-saw
- 粉茶柱虫 Death watch
- 玉子天狗茸 Death-up (Amanita phalloides Fr.)
- 腐朽 Decay
- 腐朽木 Decayed timber
- 多年生落叶灌木 Deciduous shrub with perennial rootstock
- 落叶树 Deciduous tree
- 上托桥 Deck-bridge
- 偏差 Declination
- 煑沸法 Decoction method
- 脱色炭 Decolourising carbon
- 脱色性 Decolourising property
- 分解 Decomposition
- 媒鸟 Decoy
- 横卧状,葡萄状 Decumbent
- 对生叶序 Decussate arrangement of leaves
- 深(24-36吋) Deep
- 深裂纹(深1/8吋以上之裂缝) Deep torn grain
- 深根的 Deep-rooted
- 深根性 Deep-rootedness
- 土壤深度 Deepness of soil
- 疵伤 Defect
- 木材疵伤 Defect in wood
- 积蓄不足 Deficiency of growing stock