- 林学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 明了度(定义) Definition
- 挠曲 Deflection
- 落叶的 Defoliated
- 落叶 Defoliation
- 落叶 Defolite
- 滥伐 Deforestation
- 变形 Deformation
- 退化 Degeneration
- 郁闭度 Degree of closeness
- 疎密度 Degree of closing
- 疎密度 Degree of density
- 纯度 Degree of purity
- 成熟度 Degree of ripeness
- 饱和度 Degree of saturation
- 立木度 Degree of stocking
- 疎伐度 Degree of thinning
- 裂果 Dehiscent fruit
- 迟延发芽 Delayed germination
- 境界查定 Delimitation
- 木材之需要 Demand of wood
- 同Delimitation Demarc(k)ation
- 示范林 Demonstration-forest
- 逾期费 Demurrage
- 树木学家 Dendrologist
- 树木学 Dendrology