- 高盛财经词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 存托及结算机构 Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)
- 存托公司 Depository Trust Company (DTC)
- 折余成本、已折旧成本 Depreciated Cost
- 折旧、贬值 Depreciation
- 经济萧条 Depression
- 放宽管制 Deregulation
- 衍生工具 Derivative
- 贬值 Devaluation
- 发展阶段 Development Stage
- 摊薄后每股盈利 Diluted Earnings Per Share
- 摊薄、减损 Dilution
- 减损盈利的收购项目 Dilutive Acquisition
- 已解除债务的破产人 Discharge in Bankruptcy
- 折扣、贴现 Discount
- 贴现债券、折扣债券 Discount Bond
- 折扣经纪人 Discount Broker
- 贴现票据、折扣票据 Discount Note
- 贴现率、折让率 Discount Rate
- 贴现窗 Discount Window
- 贴现现金流 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
- 委托帐户、全权管理帐户 Discretionary Account
- 可自由支配收入 Discretionary Income
- 全权委托指令 Discretionary Order
- 规模不经济 Diseconomies of Scale
- 反通货膨胀 Disinflation