- 高盛财经词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 劳工密集 Labor Intensive
- 自由不干预理论 Laissez Faire
- 高市值股票 Large-Cap
- 后进先出 Last In First Out (LIFO)
- 过去12个月 Last Twelve Months
- 负债收购 LBO
- 涉漏消息 Leakage
- 租赁 Lease
- 租回已出售财产 Leaseback
- 告慰函、安慰函 Letter of Comfort
- 信用证 Letter of Credit
- 赔偿保证书 Letter of Indemnity
- 意向书 Letter of Intent
- 负债收购 Leveraged Buyout (LBO)
- 融资租赁 Leveraged Lease
- 融资资本充实 Leveraged Recapitalization
- 负债 Liability
- 伦敦银行同业拆放利率 LIBOR
- 预计寿命 Life Expectancy
- 人寿保险 Life Insurance
- 后进先出 LIFO
- 有限责任公司 Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- 有限合伙 Limited Partnership
- 信贷额度、信贷限额 Line of Credit
- 高流通性市场 Liquid Market
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