- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 标准成本差异 variation from standard cost
- 速率测验 velocity test
- 买主 vendee
- 卖主 vendor
- 卖主帐 vendors' account
- 投机买卖帐 venture account,adventure account
- 抽查验证 verification by tests and scrutiny
- 结总与过帐验证 verification of footings and postings
- 欠款通函询证 verification of outstanding by correspondence
- 验证 verification,verify
- 纵的分析 vertical analysis
- 纵式联合 vertical combination
- 投入资本 vested proprietorship,vested capital
- 生存力 viability
- 经费流用 virement system,transfer system
- 相对,面对面 vis-a-vis
- 总额折扣 volume discount
- 生产量 volume of production
- 利量分析 volume-profit analysis
- 任意准备 voluntary reserve
- 来帐(国际汇兑) vostro account,loro account
- 股权信托 voting trust
- 股权委托书 voting trust certificate
- 审核,查定 vouch
- 凭单,传票 voucher