- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 库存债券 treasury bonds
- 公库支票 treasury check
- 库藏股份 treasury stock
- 库藏股份盈余 treasury stock surplus
- 趋势分析 trend analysis
- 电子表格 trial balance
- 余额电子表格 trial balance of balances
- 总额电子表格 trial balance of totals
- 车运费 trucking expense
- 实在贴现 true discount
- 实际利率 true rate of interest,effective rate of interest
- 实在准备 true reserve
- 信托 trust
- 信托与代理基金 trust and agency fund
- 信托证书 trust certificate
- 信托契据 trust deed
- 信托基金 trust fund
- 偿债信托契约 trust indenture
- 信托收据 trust receipts
- 受托人 trustee
- 破产管理人 trustee in bankruptcy
- 管理人现金帐 trustee's cash account
- 周转,周转数[率],销货 turnover
- 应收帐款周转数[率] turnover of accounts receivable
- 固定资产周转数[率] turnover of fixed assets