- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 付款请求单 requisition for payment
- 领料簿 requisition journal
- 取消股利 rescission of dividend
- 研究预算 research budget
- 准备,保留 reserve
- 准备恰当,准备足够 reserve adequacy
- 减税准备 reserve for abatement of taxes
- 意外准备 reserve for accidents
- 折让准备 reserve for allowance
- 摊销准备 reserve for amortization
- 涨价准备 reserve for appreciation
- 坏帐准备 reserve for bad debts
- 偿债准备 reserve for bond redemption
- 债券债务准备 reserve for bonded debts
- 或有准备 reserve for contingencies
- 坏帐准备 reserve for dead loan
- 备抵耗竭 reserve for depletion
- 备抵折旧 reserve for depreciation
- 折扣准备 reserve for discount
- 股利准备 reserve for dividend
- 备抵坏帐 reserve for doubtful account
- 职工分担额准备 reserve for employee's contributions
- 雇主分担额准备 reserve for employer contributions
- 雇主分担额准备-精算亏绌 reserve for employer contributions-actuarial deficiency
- 保留数准备 reserve for encumbrances