- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 材料控制 material control
- 材料成本 material cost
- 原料成本法 material cost method
- 退料单 material credit slip
- 材料管理费用 material handling expense
- 在制原料 material in process
- 材料盘存 material inventory
- 原料率 material rate
- 领料单 material requisition
- 材料标准 material standard
- 材料差异 material variance
- 工作地点存料 material-at-site
- 重点 materiality
- 材料与劳务 materials and services
- 材料与物料,材料与用品 materials and supplies
- 材料表 materials statement
- 数式计划,线型计划 mathematical programming,linear programming
- 应付到期债券 matured bonds payable
- 应付到期利息 matured interest payable
- 到期负债 matured liability
- 未付到期负债 matured liability unpaid
- 将到期负债 maturing liability
- 到期,到期日 maturity
- 到期基础 maturity basis
- 到期日 maturity date