- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 政府会计 governmental accounting
- 政府分担特赋改良物成本 governmental unit's share of assessment improvement costs
- 宽限期 grace period
- 补助金 grant,grants-in-aid
- 图解 graphic solution
- 图形表 graphic statement
- 操纵市场,黑市 gray market
- 总额,毛额 gross
- 涨价毛额 gross appreciation
- 债券债务总额 gross bonded debt
- 资产帐面毛额 gross book value
- 销货总成本 gross cost of merchandise sold
- 跌价毛额 gross declination
- 毛利,总收益 gross earnings,gross income
- 总负债 gross liability
- 毛损 gross loss
- 毛利 gross margin,gross profit
- 毛价,总价 gross price
- 毛利分析 gross profit analysis
- 毛利估计盘存法 gross profit method of inventory
- 销售毛利 gross profit on sales,gross trading profit
- 毛利率 gross profit ratio
- 毛利测验法 gross profit test
- 总所入 gross revenue
- 销售总额 gross sales