- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 运费通知单 freight notice
- 目的地付运费 freight paid at destination
- 预付运费 freight paid in advance
- 应扣代付运费 freight to be deducted
- 进货运费 freight-in,freight inward
- 销货运费 freight-out,freight outward
- 运费 freight,freight charge
- 次数图 frequency chart
- 次数曲线 frequency curve
- 次数分配 frequency distribution
- 次数多边形 frequency polygon
- 福利 fringe benefit
- 冻结资产 frozen asset
- 呆欠 frozen credit
- 燃料 fuel
- 完全成本 full cost
- 完全成本法 full costing
- 充分表达 full disclosure
- 记名背书 full endosement
- 十足信用 full faith and credit
- 十足信用债券,普通负担债券 full faith and credit bond,general obligation bond
- 完全责任 full liability
- 全标准间接费 full standard burden
- 全部缴清的股本 full-paid capital stock
- 担保充分的债权人 fully secured creditor