- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 估计负债 estimated liability
- 估计寿年 estimated life
- 预计销售损失 estimated loss from sales
- 按售价估计存货损失 estimated loss from sales valuation of merchandise inventory
- 估计市价 estimated market value
- 估计实际寿年 estimated physical life
- 预计损益表 estimated profit and loss statement
- 预计销售利益 estimated profit from sales
- 预计收入,预计所入 estimated revenue
- 预计所入收入 estimated revenue receipts
- 估计使用寿年 estimated service life
- 估计表 estimated statement
- 预计坏帐 estimated uncollectible accounts recievable
- 预计当期坏税 estimated uncollectible current taxes
- 预计过期坏税 estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes
- 预计欠税利息与罚款损失 estimated uncollectible interest and penalties on taxes
- 预计欠税留置权损失 estimated uncollectible tax liens
- 岁出概算 estimates of expenditures
- 岁入概算 estimates of revenue
- 估计成本制 estimating cost system,estimated cost system
- 整批 even lot,round lot
- 事件与情况 events and condition
- 凭证 evidence
- 凭证记录 evidence record
- 除息 ex-dividend