- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 优先股本 capital stock-preferred
- 资本结构 capital structure
- 本金总额 capital sum
- 资本公积 capital surplus
- 资本周转率 capital turnover
- 资本化,资本结构 capitalization
- 资本结构比率 capitalization ratio
- 资本化单位 capitalization unit
- 资本化,化本 capitalize
- 资本化的费用 capitalized expense
- 资本化利益 capitalized profit
- 资本化公积 capitalized surplus
- 资本化价值 capitalized value
- 卡片式分类帐 card ledger
- 帐目表,会计科目表 card of accounts,chart of accounts
- 附带权益 carried interest
- 抵回,抵前(美所得税) carry back
- 结帐,转下 carry down
- 转后(美所得税) carry forward
- 入[帐],过[帐] carry [to]
- 存置资产费用 carrying charge
- 帐面价值,押品作价 carrying value
- 结转后期(美所得税) carryover
- 购货车力 cartage-in
- 销货车力 cartage-out