- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 查帐报告,审核报告 audit report
- 查帐标准 audit standards
- 查帐工作底稿 audit working papers,audit working sheet
- 查帐年度 audit year
- 应付核定债务 audited claims payable
- 核讫凭单 audited voucher
- 审计,审计学 auditing
- 抽查 auditing by tests and scrutiny
- 审计人员 auditing officers
- 审计机关 auditing offices
- 审计准则 auditing standard
- 查帐员 auditor
- 查帐证明书 auditor's certificate
- 查帐评论 auditor's comments
- 查帐员责任 auditor's liability
- 查帐意见 auditor's opinion
- 查帐报告 auditor's report
- 查帐责任 auditor's responsibility
- 公益机关 authority
- 公益机关债券 authority bonds
- 支出核准书 authority for expenditure,AFE
- 委托购买证 authority to purchase
- 资源的核定 authorization of resources
- 额定资本 authorized capital
- 额定股本 authorized capital stock