- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 《常务会计指令》 Standing Accounting Instructions
- 公司法改革常务委员会 Standing Committee on Company Law Reform
- 有效要约 standing offer
- 长期委购储税券通知书 Standing Order Form for Tax Reserve Certificate
- 高层资源会议 Star Chamber
- 高层资源会议策动小组 Star Chamber Action Group
- 高层资源会议总结;高层资源会议检讨 Star Chamber review
- 开办成本;筹备费用 start-up cost
- 成立初期补助金 start-up grant
- 国家外汇管理局〔中国〕 State Administration of Exchange Control
- 印度国家银行 State Bank of India
- 国营企业 state-owned enterprise
- 结算书;报表;说明书 statement
- 代替招股章程陈述书 statement in lieu of prospectus
- 帐目报表 statement of account
- 调整说明书 statement of adjustment
- 资产负债状况说明书 statement of affairs
- 周年帐目报表 statement of annual account
- 资产负债表 statement of assets and liabilities
- 计算说明 statement of calculation
- 收支报告;收支结算表 statement of income and expenditure
- 亏损表 statement of loss
- 损益计算表 statement of loss and gain
- 损益计算表 statement of profit and loss
- 政府收支总表 statement of receipts and payments by the Government