- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 印花税;厘印费 stamp duty
- 成交单据印花税 stamp duty on contract note
- 土地转让印花税 stamp duty on conveyance of land
- 物业转让印花税 stamp duty on conveyance of properties
- 物业交易印花税 stamp duty on property transactions
- 股票交易印花税 stamp duty on stock transfers
- 印花税税率 stamp duty rate
- 印花税宽免 stamp duty relief
- 印花税署〔税务局〕 Stamp Office
- 暂缓缴税令 stand-over order
- 标准免税额 standard amount
- 标准普尔500 指数 Standard and Poor's 500 Index
- 标准普尔公司 Standard and Poor's Corporation
- 标准普尔评级 Standard and Poor's Rating
- 渣打银行 Standard Chartered Bank
- 划一兑换率;划一折合率 standard conversion rate
- 英国标旗(亚洲)有限公司 Standard London (Asia) Limited
- 会计及核数执业准则 standard of accounting and auditing practices
- 披露标准 standard of disclosure
- 标准税率;标准收费率 standard rate
- 标准税率范围 standard rate zone
- 标准定额股;标准股票 standard share
- 标准估价方法 standard valuation method
- 备用信贷 standby credit
- 备用贷款 standby facility