- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 《检讨香港公司条例顾问研究报告》 Review of Companies Ordinance Consultancy Report
- 修订评税 revised assessment
- 修订预算 revised estimates
- 修订开支预算 revised estimates of expenditure
- 修订收入预算 revised estimates of revenue
- 本地生产总值的修订初步估计 revised preliminary estimates of gross domestic product
- 回升;复苏 revive
- 可撤销信用证 revocable letter of credit
- 撤销 revocation
- 撤销牌照 revocation of licence
- 周转基金;循环基金 revolving fund
- 循环信用证 revolving letter of credit
- 再拨款 revote
- 酬金 reward
- 控制权 right of control
- 兑换证券的权利 right of conversion into stock
- 优先购买权 right of pre-emption
- 遗产保留权;财产保留权 right of retainer
- 保留权 right of retention
- 从财产收取入息的权利 right to receive income from property
- 撤销的权利 right to rescind
- 供股〔上市方式〕;认股权发行;配售新股 rights issue
- 供股章程 rights issue prospectus
- 交易圈 ring
- 平仓;经纪之间期货交易相互结算 ring out