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汇率报价制度    rate quotation system
应课差饷租值    rateable value
应课差饷租值在限额以上    rateable value above the cut-off point
差饷估值租金    rateable value rent
差饷缴纳人    ratepayer
差饷    rates
须缴差饷    rates payable
差饷征收率    rates percentage charge
差饷收据    rates receipt
差饷宽减    rates relief
差饷宽减计划    Rates Relief Scheme
差饷估价顾问    Rating Advisor
评级机构    rating agency
差饷物业估价署    Rating and Valuation Department
差饷估价    rating assessment
差饷系统    rating system
差饷估价册    rating valuation list
垫款与贷款对存款的比率    ratio of advances and loans to deposits
筹备复业期    re-establishment period
转口    re-export
再按揭;再抵押    re-mortgage
重新登记;重新注册    re-registration
上市空壳公司恢复业务    reactivation of quoted shell company
重新调整    readjustment
现有市场价格    ready market price
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