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七、为了优化无人驾驶航空飞行器在整个飞行过程中的空气动力特性而使机身、推进系统和升力控制面一体化的设计技术    Design technology for integration of air vehicle fuselage, propulsion system and lifting control surfaces to optimize aerodynamic performance throughout the flight regime of an unmanned air vehicle
八、为了优化导弹或火箭弹道而使制导、控制和推进数据一体化成为一个飞行管理系统的设计技术    Design technology for integration of the guidance, flight control, and propulsion data into a flight management system for optimization of trajectory of ballistic missiles or space launch vehicles
(十五)保护电子设备和电气系统免受外部电磁脉冲和电磁干扰危害的设计技术    Design technology for protection of avionics and electrical subsystems against electromagnetic pulse and electromagnetic interference hazards from external sources:
(五)抗辐射加固的设计技术    Design technology for radiation hardenning;
1、屏蔽系统的设计技术    Design technology for shielding systems;
2、加固的电气线路和分系统的线路设计技术    Design technology for the configuration of hardened electrical circuits and subsystems;
2、进行了加固和抗辐射加固的    Designed as ruggedized or radiation hardened
3、能设计或改进成军用,或设计成抗辐射的,并具有如下特性之一:    Designed or modified for military use or designed as radiation hardened, and having one of the following characteristics:
(2)能够达到并保持等于或高于600 摄氏度的可控热环境    Designed to achieve and maintain a controlled thermal environment of 600 °C or greater, and
2、能设计成符合加固设备的军用技术规范;或    Designed to meet military specifications for ruggedized equipment; or
3、上述加固标准的确定    Determination of hardening criteria for the above
(八)上述第(四)至第(七)项的燃烧调节装置    Devices to regulate combustion for the above Subitems (4) to (7);
3、图表    Diagrams
(五)四氧化二氮    Dinitrogen tetroxide;
退出现役的特等、一等革命残废军人,由国家供养终身。二等、三等革命残废军人,家居城镇的,由本人所在地的县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民政府安排力所能及的工作;    Disabled revolutionary armymen of Special Grade and First Grade discharged from active service shall be provided for by the state throughout their lives. Disabled revolutionary armymen of Second and Third Grades who are residents of cities or towns shall be given jobs suited to their abilities by the people's governments of their counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts;
不属于国家秘密的,不应标为国家秘密文件、资料。    Documents and other material that are not determined as state secrets shall not be marked as such.
宵禁期间,在实行宵禁地区的街道或者其他公共场所通行,必须持有本人身份证件和戒严实施机关制发的特别通行证。    During the curfew, people passing through the streets or other public places in the area under curfew must carry their identification papers and special passes issued by the martial-law-executing organ.
戒严期间拘留、逮捕的程序和期限可以不受中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法有关规定的限制,但逮捕须经人民检察院批准或者决定。    During the period of martial law, the procedures and time limit for detention and arrest may be free from the restrictions of the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, except that an arrest shall be subject to approval or decision of a People's Procuratorate.
(2)能够达到并保持等于或高于600 摄氏度的可控热环境    ②Designed to achieve and maintain a controlled thermal environment of 600 °C or greater, and
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