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行李的损坏不明显,旅客在离船时或者行李交还时难以发现的,以及行李发生灭失的,旅客应当在离船或者行李交还或者应当交还之日起十五日内,向承运人或者承运人的受雇人、代理人提交书面通知。    If the damage to the luggage is not apparent and it is difficult for the passenger to discover such damage at the time of his disembarkation or of the redelivery of the luggage, or if the luggage has been lost, the passenger shall notify the carrier or his servant or agent in writing within 15 days from the next day of disembarkation of the passenger or of the redelivery of the luggage.
由双方过失造成的,各方按过失程度的比例负赔偿责任。    If the damage was caused by the faults of both parties, both parties shall be liable for compensation in proportion to the extent of their respective faults.
旅客的人身伤亡或者自带行李的灭失、损坏,是由于船舶的沉没、碰撞、搁浅、爆炸、火灾所引起或者是由于船舶的缺陷所引起的,承运人或者承运人的受雇人、代理人除非提出反证,应当视为其有过失。    If the death of or personal injury to the passengers or loss of or damage to the passengers' cabin luggage occurred as a result of shipwreck, collision, stranding, explosion, fire or the defect of the ship, it shall be presumed that the carrier or his servant or agent has committed a fault, unless proof to the contrary has been given by the carrier or his servant or agent.
除合同另有约定外,运费已经支付的,承运人应当将运费退还给托运人;货物已经装船的,托运人应当承担装卸费用;    If the freight has already been paid, it shall be refunded to the shipper, and, if the goods have already been loaded on board, the loading/discharge expenses shall be borne by the shipper.
货物已经装船的,应当负担装货、卸货和其他与此有关的费用。    if the goods have already been loaded on board, the shipper shall bear the expenses for the loading and discharge and other related charges.
对上级公路主管部门的处理决定不服的,可以在接到处理决定书之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉;期满不起诉又不履行的,公路主管部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。    If the higher authorities' decision is still considered unacceptable they may bring a lawsuit against the highway department at the people's court within 15 days of the receipt of the decision. When neither a suit is filed within the time limit, nor the obligations are honoured, the highway department may ask the people's court to enforce the penalty.
海事请求人在本法规定的期间内,未提起诉讼或者未按照仲裁协议申请仲裁的,海事法院应当及时解除保全或者返还担保。    If the maritime claimant fails to bring an action or apply for arbitration according to the arbitration agreement within the time limit specified by this Law, the people's court shall cancel the property reservation or return the guaranty promptly.
海事请求人不提供的,驳回其申请。    If the maritime claimant fails to provide guarantee, the application shall be rejected.
海事请求人不提供的,驳回其申请。    If the maritime claimant fails to provide guarantee, the application shall be rejected.
海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶的,为准备拍卖船舶所发生的费用由海事请求人承担。    If the maritime court orders to stop the auction of the ship, expenses incurred for auctioning the ship shall be paid by the maritime claimant.
当事人提出异议的,由海事法院决定是否采纳。    if the parties raise any objections, the maritime court shall determine to accept them or not.
当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定书之日起五日内申请复议一次。    If the party concerned is not satisfied with the order, he may, within five days from the date of the receipt of the order, apply for reconsideration which could be granted only once.
当事人就已经撤销的案件再提起仲裁申请时,由仲裁委员会主任作出受理或者不受理的决定。    If the party or the parties refer the dismissed case again to the Arbitration Commission for arbitration, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall decide whether to accept the reference.
旅客未依照本条第一、二款规定及时提交书面通知的,除非提出反证,视为已经完整无损地收到行李。    If the passenger fails to send in the notice in writing in time in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, it shall be presumed that the luggage has been received undamaged, unless proof to the contrary is made.
旅客与承运人约定将前款规定的物品交由承运人保管的,承运人应当依照本法第一百一十七条的规定负赔偿责任;    If the passenger has entrusted the above-mentioned valuables to the safe-keeping of the carrier under an agreement for that purpose, the carrier shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the provisions of Article 117 of this Code.
旅客或者托运人在交运托运行李或者货物时,特别声明在目的地点交付时的利益,并在必要时支付附加费的,除承运人证明旅客或者托运人声明的金额高于托运行李或者货物在目的地点交付时的实际利益外,承运人应当在声明金额范围内承担责任;    If the passenger or the shipper has made, at the time when the checked baggage or cargo was handed over to the carrier, a special declaration of interest in delivery at destination and has paid a supplementary sum if the case so requires, the carrier shall be liable to pay a sum not exceeding the declared sum, unless he proves that the sum declared by the passenger or shipper is greater than the actual interest of the checked baggage or cargo in delivery at destination;
应当承担责任的人证明损害是部分由于受害人或者其受雇人、代理人的过错造成的,相应减轻其赔偿责任。    If the person liable proves that the damage was contributed to by the fault of the person who suffers the damage, or of his servants or agents, the compensation shall be reduced to the extent to which such fault contributed to the damage.
不足的金额,承运人有权向托运人追偿;剩余的金额,退还托运人;    If the proceeds fall short of such expenses, the carrier is entitled to claim the difference from the shipper, whereas any amount in surplus shall be refunded to the shipper.
期满后需要继续常驻的,应在期满之日三十天前,由常驻代表机构向中华人民共和国交通部递交由外国运输企业董事长或总经理签署的延长驻在期申请书,经中华人民共和国交通部批准后发给《外国运输企业常驻代表机构延期批准书》,每次延长期限不超过三年。    If the representative office needs to continue the resident operation after the expiry of the period, it must, within 30 days before the expiry of the period, present to MCT an application signed by the chairman of the board of directors or the general manger of the foreign transport enterprise. When the application is approved by MCT, it will be granted ""the Document of Ratification for Prolonging Resident Period of Permanent Representative Offices of Foreign Transport Enterprises."" Each prolonging period shall not exceed three years.
由于救助方的过失未能防止或者减少环境污染损害的,可以全部或者部分地剥夺救助方获得特别补偿的权利。    If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment, the salvor may be totally or partly deprived of the right to the special compensation.
救助人进行前款规定的救助作业,取得防止或者减少环境污染损害效果的,船舶所有人依照前款规定应当向救助方支付的特别补偿可以另行增加,增加的数额可以达到救助费用的百分之三十。    If the salvor has carried out the salvage operations prescribed in the preceding paragraph and has prevented or minimized pollution damage to the environment, the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph 1 of this Article may be increased by an amount up to a maximum of 30% of the expenses incurred by the salvor.
互有过失的船舶,对造成的第三人的人身伤亡,负连带赔偿责任。    If the ships in fault have caused loss of life or personal injury to a third party, they shall be jointly and severally liable therefor.
运输单位不能按照前款规定采取防护措施的,由交通主管部门帮助其采取防护措施,所需费用由运输单位承担。    If the transport unit concerned is incapable of carrying out the protective measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph alone, transportation departments in charge should assist in action with costs of the actions being borne by the transport unit concerned.
以渔业为主的渔港水域内发生的海上交通事故和沿海水域内渔业船舶之间、军用船舶之间发生的海上交通事故的调查处理,国家法律、行政法规另有专门规定的,从其规定。    If there exist special provisions in state laws and administrative regulations for the investigation and handling of the maritime traffic accidents happening in the fishing port waters or of the maritime traffic accidents happening between fishing vessels or between military vessels in the coastal waters, these special provisions shall prevail.
无法退还、自拍卖之日起满一年又无人领取的,上缴国库。    If there is no way to make the refund and such surplus amount has not been claimed at the end of one full year after the auction sale, it shall go to the State Treasury.
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