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中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


第八条 海底电缆、管道的铺设和为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动,不得在获准作业区域以外的的海域作业,也不得在获准区域内进行未经批准的作业。    Article 8 The operations of laying submarine cables and pipelines and the investigations and surveying activities for the cable-and pipeline-laying engineering project shall not conducted beyond the approved sea areas; nor shall operations and activities other than these approved be conducted in the approved sea areas.
第八条国家鼓励专用于社会运输。专用公路主要用于社会运输时,经省、自治区、直辖市公路主管部门批准,可以改划为省道或者县道。    Article 8 The state encourages accommodation highways to be used for community transportation, accommodation highways used for community transportation, with the approval of provincial, autonomous regional and municipal departments in charge of highways, may be reclassified as provincial highways or county roads.
第八条海事纠纷的当事人都是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或者组织,当事人书面协议选择中华人民共和国海事法院管辖的,即使与纠纷有实际联系的地点不在中华人民共和国领域内,中华人民共和国海事法院对该纠纷也具有管辖权。    Article 8 Where the parties to a maritime dispute are foreign nationals, stateless persons, foreign enterprises or organizations and the parties, through written agreement, choose the maritime court of the People's Republic of China to exercise jurisdiction, even if the place which has practical connections with the dispute is not within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the maritime court of the People's Republic of China shall also have jurisdiction over the dispute.
第八条国家所有的船舶由国家授予具有法人资格的全民所有制企业经营管理的,本法有关船舶所有人的规定适用于该法人。    Article 8 With respect to a State-owned ship operated by an enterprise owned by the whole people having a legal person status granted by the State, the provisions of this Code regarding the shipowner shall apply to that legal person.
第八条 海上交通事故报告必须真实,不得隐瞒或捏造。    Article 8. A report concerning maritime traffic accidents must be truthful and there must not be any concealment or falcification.
第八条 设施应当按照国家规定,配备掌握避碰、信号、通信、消防、救生等专业技能的人员。    Article 8. In accordance with state provisions, all installations shall be provided with personnel who have mastered the techniques of collision avoidance, signalling, communications, fire control, life-saving and other operations.
第八条对持有因私普通护照或我国有关主管部门签发的有效通行证件前往香港、澳门和台湾地区人员的出入境行李物品,海关另按有关规定办理。    Article 8. Inbound and outbound luggage and articles carried by personnel holding passports for private affairs or valid passes issued by competent Chinese departments in charge of Hongkong, Macro and Taiwan affairs shall be processed by the Customs pursuant to other related regulations.
第八条 信件和其他具有信件性质的物品的寄递业务由邮政企业专营,但是国务院另有规定的除外。    Article 8. Posting and delivering services of mail and other articles with characteristics of mail shall be exclusively operated by postal enterprises, except as otherwise provided by the State Council.
第八条共同打捞合同和中外合作打捞企业合同必须有明确的打捞标的。参与打捞的中外双方在打捞过程中发现的不属于合同标的的其他沉船沉物,不得擅自实施打捞。    Article 8. The objects for salvage must be clearly stated in the joint salvage contract and the contract for the cooperative salvage enterprise. Chinese and foreign salvage parties shall not decide on their own to salvage sunken ships and sunken articles that are found in their operations but are not included in the contracted objects for salvage.
第八条 外国运输企业常驻代表机构聘用中国雇员,必须委托当地政府的指定部门办理,并将雇用人员情况及雇用人员变化情况及时报告中华人民共和国交通部。    Article 8. When a permanent representative office of a foreign transport enterprise intends to employ a Chinese citizen to work for it, it must entrust the department appointed by the local government to manage the employment and report in time to MCT about such employment and/or change of such employment.
第八十条 本章未规定的事项,适用本仲裁规则的其他各章的有关规定。    Article 80 For matters not covered in this Chapter, the relevant provisions in the other Chapters of these Rules shall apply.
第八十条海事诉讼法律文书的送达,适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的有关规定,还可以采用下列方式:    Article 80 In serving a maritime litigation document, the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China are applicable, and the following methods may also be adopted:
第八十条飞行中,民用航空器不得投掷物品;但是,有下列情形之一的除外:    Article 80 Nothing shall be dropped or sprayed from a civil aircraft in flight except in one of the following circumstances:
第八十条违反本法第五十四条规定,在公路用地范围内设置公路标志以外的其他标志的,由交通主管部门责令限期拆除,可以处二万元以下的罚款;逾期不拆除的,由交通主管部门拆除,有关费用由设置者负担。    Article 80 Putting of signs other than road marks within the areas of the land for use by roads in violation of the provisions of Article 54, shall be ordered removal of the signs within a prescribed time limit by department of transportation in charge with a fine of less than RMB20,000. If the illegal signs are not removed within the prescribed time limit, departments of transportation in charge shall remove them out with the expenses for the moving being borne by people who are held responsible for the signs.
第八十条承运人签发提单以外的单证用以证明收到待运货物的,此项单证即为订立海上货物运输合同和承运人接收该单证中所列货物的初步证据。    Article 80 Where a carrier has issued a document other than a bill of lading as an evidence of the receipt of the goods to be carried, such a document is prima facie evidence of the conclusion of the contract of carriage of goods by sea and the taking over by the carrier of the goods as described therein.
第八十一条违反本法第五十五条规定,未经批准在公路上增设平面交叉道口的,由交通主管部门责令恢复原状,处五万元以下的罚款。    Article 81 Adding road crossings without approval in violation of the provisions of Article 55, shall be ordered to restore to the original state by departments of transportation in charge with a fine of less than RMB50,000.
第八十一条有义务接受法律文书的人拒绝签收,送达人在送达回证上记明情况;    Article 81 If the person who has the obligation of receiving a legal paper refuses to sign and receive the legal paper, the person serving the paper shall record on the receipt the situations.
第八十一条民用航空器未经批准不得飞出中华人民共和国领空。    Article 81 No civil aircraft shall fly out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China unless approved.
第八十一条承运人向收货人交付货物时,收货人未将货物灭失或者损坏的情况书面通知承运人的,此项交付视为承运人已经按照运输单证的记载交付以货物状况良好的初步证据。    Article 81 Unless notice of loss or damage is given in writing by the consignee to the carrier at the time of delivery of the goods by the carrier to the consignee, such delivery shall be deemed to be prima facie evidence of the delivery of the goods by the carrier as described in the transport documents and of the apparent good order and condition of such goods.
第八十一条 法律对仲裁时效有规定的,适用法律的规定。法律对仲裁时效没有规定的,适用诉讼时效的规定。    Article 81 Where the limitation of arbitration is provided in the law, it shall be applied, otherwise the limitation of actions shall be applied.
第八十二条空中交通管制单位应当为飞行中的民用航空器提供空中交通服务,包括空中交通管制服务、飞行情报服务和告警服务。    Article 82 An air traffic control unit shall provide air traffic services to civil aircraft in flight, including air traffic control service, flight information service and alerting service.
第八十二条违反本法第五十六条规定,在公路建筑控制区内修建建筑物、地面构筑物或者擅自埋设管线、电缆等设施的,由交通主管部门责令限期拆除,并可以处五万元以下的罚款。逾期不拆除的,由交通主管部门拆除,有关费用由建筑者、构筑者承担。    Article 82 Erecting buildings and ground structures or laying pipelines, cables or other facilities without authorization in violation of the provisions of Article 56 of this law, shall be ordered by departments of transportation in charge to dismantle the projects within a prescribed time limit with a fine of less than RMB50,000. If the dismantle work is not done within the prescribed time limit, the departments of transportation in charge shall dismantle them with the expense arisen thereof being borne by the builders.
第八十二条承运人自向收货人交付货物的次日起连续六十日内,未收到收货人就货物因迟延交付造成经济损失而提交的书面通知的,不负赔偿责任。    Article 82 The carrier shall not be liable for compensation if no notice on the economic losses resulting from delay in delivery of the goods has been received from the consignee within 60 consecutive days from the next day on which the goods had been delivered by the carrier to the consignee.
第八十二条 仲裁委员会以中文为正式语文。当事人另有约定的,则从其约定。仲裁庭开庭时,如果当事人或其代理人、证人需要语文翻译,可以由当事人自行提供译员,也可以由秘书处提供译员。    Article 82 The Chinese language is the official language of the Arbitration Commission. If the parties have otherwise agreed, their agreement shall prevail. At the oral hearing, if the parties or their attorneys or witnesses require language interpretation, the Secretariat may provide an interpreter for them or the parties may retain their own interpreters.
第八十二条原告在起诉时、被告在答辩时,应当如实填写《海事事故调查表》。    Article 82 When a plaintiff brings an action and a defendant files a defence, the Investigation Form of Maritime Accident shall be truthfully completed.
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