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第七十六条 如果仲裁庭决定开庭审理,仲裁庭只开庭一次。确有必要的,仲裁庭可以决定再次开庭。    Article 76 If the arbitration tribunal decides to hear the case orally, only one oral hearing shall be held. However, the arbitration tribunal may hold a second hearing if really necessary.
第七十六条承运人或者代其签发提单的人未在提单上批注货物表面状况的,视为货物的表面状况良好。    Article 76 If the carrier or the other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf made no note in the bill of lading regarding the apparent order and condition of the goods, the goods shall be deemed to be in apparent good order and condition.
第七十六条海事请求人要求被请求人就海事请求保全提供担保的数额,应当与其债权数额相当,但不得超过被保全的财产价值。    Article 76 Where a maritime claimant requests a person against whom the application for maritime preservation is made to provide guaranty on a maritime claim, the quantity of the guaranty shall equal to the quantity of his creditor's rights, but shall not exceed the value of the preserved property.
第七十七条担保提供后,提供担保的人有正当理由的,可以向海事法院申请减少、变更或者取消该担保。    Article 77 After a guaranty is provided, the person providing the guaranty may, for any justified reasons, file an application to the maritime court to reduce, modify or cancel the guaranty.
第七十七条除依照本法第七十五条的规定作出保留外,承运人或者代其签发提单的人签发的提单,是承运人已经按照提单所载状况收到货物或者货物已装船的初步证据;    Article 77 Except for the note made in accordance with the provisions of Article 75 of this Code, the bill of lading issued by the carrier or the other person acting on his behalf is prima facie evidence of the taking over or loading by the carrier of the goods as described therein.
?? 第七十七条有下列违法行为之一的,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,可以处三万元以下的罚款:    Article 77 For the following law-violating acts the department of transportation in charge shall order an immediate stop and impose a fine of less than RMB30,000:
第七十七条民用航空器机组人员的飞行时间、执勤时间不得超过国务院民用航空主管部门规定的时限。    Article 77 No crew member of a civil aircraft shall perform a flight mission if his flight time or time on duty exceeds the time limits prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
第七十七条 在进行简易程序过程中,任何一方当事人没有按照本简易程序行事时,不影响程序的进行和仲裁庭作出裁决的权力。    Article 77 Should one of the parties fail to act in compliance with this Summary Procedure during summary proceedings, such failure shall not affect the continuation of the arbitration proceedings and the power of the arbitration tribunal to render an award.
第七十八条 仲裁请求变更后的争议金额及/或反请求的争议金额超过100万元,双方当事人同意的,可继续适用简易程序;否则,变更为适用普通程序,并且,除非当事人另有约定,原独任仲裁员作为首席仲裁员。    Article 78 Any amendment of the claim or filing of a counterclaim, which results in the amount in dispute exceeding RMB 1,000,000 yuan, shall not affect the conducting of the Summary Procedure if the parties agree. Otherwise the case shall apply the ordinary procedure. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the sole arbitrator previously appointed shall act as the presiding arbitrator.
第七十八条违反本法第四十六条的规定,造成公路路面损坏、污染或者影响公路畅通的,或者违反本法第五十一条规定,将公路作为试车场地的,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,可以处五千元以下的罚款。    Article 78 Causing damages and pollution of road surfaces, or impeding the smooth traffic of the roads in violation of the provisions of Article 46 of this law or using roads as test-run ground in violation of the provisions of Article 51 of this law, shall be ordered to an immediate stop by departments of transportation in charge with a fine of less than RMB5,000.
第七十八条民用航空器除按照国家规定经特别批准外,不得飞入禁区;    Article 78 No civil aircraft shall fly into a prohibited area unless it is specially approved in accordance with State regulations;
第七十八条承运人同收货人、提单持有人之间的权利、义务关系,依据提单的规定确定。    Article 78 The relationship between the carrier and the holder of the bill of lading with respect to their rights and obligations shall be defined by the clauses of the bill of lading.
第七十八条海事请求人请求担保的数额过高,造成被请求人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。    Article 78 Where losses are caused to a person against whom the application for maritime preservation is made due to excessive quantity of the guaranty claimed by a maritime claimant, the maritime claimant shall bear the liability for compensation.
第七十九条违反本法第五十三条规定,造成公路损坏,未报告的,由交通主管部门处一千元以下的罚款。    Article 79 Causing damages to roads without reporting in violation of the provisions of Article 53 of this law, shall be imposed a fine of less than RMB1,000 by departments of transportation in charge.
第七十九条民用航空器不得飞越城市上空;但是,有下列情形之一的除外:    Article 79 No civil aircraft shall fly across the airspace over a city except in one of the following circumstances:
第七十九条设立海事赔偿责任限制基金和先予执行等程序所涉及的担保,可以参照本章规定。    Article 79 The guaranty involved in constituting a limitation fund for maritime claims liability and in advance execution as well as other procedures may be handled by reference to the provisions of this Chapter.
第七十九条提单的转让,依照下列规定执行:    Article 79 The negotiability of a bill of lading shall be governed by the following provisions:
第七十九条 开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭应在开庭审理或再次开庭审理之日起30天内作出裁决书;书面审理的案件,仲裁庭应当在仲裁庭成立之日起90天内作出裁决书。在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的,可以对上述期限予以延长。    Article 79 Where a case is heard orally, the arbitration tribunal shall make an award within 30 days from the date of the oral hearing or from the date of the second oral hearing if any. Where a case is examined on the basis of documents only, the arbitration tribunal shall render an award within 90 days from the date of the formation of the arbitration tribunal. The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may, at the request of the arbitration tribunal, extend the said time limit if he considers such extension is necessary and justifiable.
第七条 外航根据民航局颁发的经营许可开始经营外国地点和中华人民共和国地点间规定航线后要求经营新航线的,应当向民航局申请新航线的经营许可。    Article 7 If foreign airlines want to engage in new route businesses after running business between the []s in China and foreign countries with business licenses issued by Civil Aviation Administration, they should apply to Civil Aviation Administration for business licenses of new routes.?
第八条依法取得中华人民共和国国籍的民用航空器,应当标明规定的国籍标志和登记标志。    Article 8 A civil aircraft which has acquired the nationality of the People's Republic of China according to law shall display the specified nationality mark and registration mark.
第八条国务院交通主管部门主管全国公路工作。    Article 8 Department of the State Council in charge of transportation shall be responsible for the administration of highways in the whole country.
第八条 国家禁止进出口的货物、物品不得运入、运出保税区。    Article 8 Goods and articles, whose import and export are forbidden by the State, shall not be brought into or out of the bonded area.
第八条国家铁路的技术管理规程,由国务院铁路主管部门制定,地方铁路、专有铁路的技术管理办法,参照国家铁路的技术管理规程制定。    Article 8 Regulations governing the technical operations of State railways shall be formulated by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council, while rules governing the local railways and industrial railways shall be drawn up with reference to the regulations governing the technical operations of State railways.
第八条对维护民用航空安全做出突出贡献的单位或者个人,由有关人民政府或者国务院民用航空主管部门给予奖励。    Article 8 Reward shall be given by the people's government concerned or by the competent civil aviation authorities under the State Council to a unit or an individual making outstanding contributions to safeguarding civil aviation safety.
第八条 仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人、顾问若干人。    Article 8 The Arbitration Commission shall have one honorary Chairman and several advisers.
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