- 科学教育词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 课本偏见 textbook bias
- 教科书评鉴 textbook evaluation
- 教科书研究 textbook research
- 课本选择 textbook selection
- 课本取向教学 textbook-oriented instruction
- 纺织工业 textile industry
- 文义分析 textual analysis
- 结构 texture
- 主题统觉测验 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
- 理论批评 theoretical criticism
- 理论,学说 theory
- 需求满足论 theory of need gratification
- 价值(理)论 theory of values
- 工作适应(理)论 theory of work adjuxtment
- 热力学 thermodynamics
- 温度计 thermometer
- 汤木生 Thomson,J.J.
- 思考过程 thought process
- 立体教具 three dimensional aids
- 立体教材 three dimensional teaching material
- 时间 time
- 时区 time blocks
- 时滞 time lag
- 时间取样 time sampling
- 时间系统实验 time series experiment