- 科学教育词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 学期,名词 term
- 学期报告 term paper
- 推孟概念精熟测验 Terman Concept Mastery Test
- 终点行为 terminal behavior
- 终点目标 terminal objectives
- 测验 test
- 测验适应 test adaptation
- 测验焦虑 test anxiety
- 测验焦虑问卷 test anxiety questionnaire
- 测验行为观查指引 test behavior boservation guide
- 测验偏差 test bias
- 测验编制 test construction
- 测验发展 test development
- 测验难度 test difficulty
- 测验解释 test interpretation
- 测验常度(题数) test length
- 测验常模 test norm
- 学业进展计画 test of academic progress
- 认知能力测验 test of cognitive ability
- 概念应用测验 test of concept application
- 批判性思考测验 test of critical thinking
- 托福(非英语语系英语能力测验) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
- 普通能力测验 test of general ability
- 职业发展测验 test of occupational development
- 科学概念测验 test of science concepts