- 普通心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 常定刺激差别法 Constant stimulus differences/mehtod of
- 丛 Constellation
- 刺激丛 Constellation of stimuli
- 建造本能 Construction/instinct of
- 建造性 Constructiveness
- 完成反应 Consummatory response
- 接触锺 Contact clock
- 接触錀 Contact key
- 接触觉 Contact sensation
- 内容 Content
- 内容心理学 Content psychology
- 潜伏内容 Content/latent
- 明显内容 Content/manifest
- 接近联想 Contiguity/association by
- 接近律 Contiguity/law of
- 接触受纳器 Contiguous receptor(Syn. Proximoceptor)
- 接触感官,接触感觉,接触觉 Contiguous sense
- 纽结像 Continuation image
- 连续辨别反应 Continuous discrimination response(or reaction)
- 心理连续体 Continuum/psychophysical
- 反暗示感受性 Contra-suggestibility
- 反暗示 Contra-suggestion
- 对比错觉 Contrast illusion
- 对比联想 Contrast/association by
- 双眼对比 Contrast/binocufar