- 普通心理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 颤圆计 Conformateur
- 生来的 Congenital
- 生来倾向 Congenital disposition
- 先天观念 Connate or innate iden
- 先天的 Connate,innate
- 联系机构 Connecting mechanism
- 联结主义 Connectionism
- 联系器 Connector
- 一般机体觉 Conosthesis conesthesia, senesthesia (Syn. Common sensibilty)
- 意识的 Conscious
- 意识的 Consciousness
- 集团意识 Consciousness/collective
- 意识域 Consciousness/field of
- 共同意识 Consciousness/general
- 团体意识 Consciousness/group
- 边缘意识 Consciousness/marginal
- 宗教意识 Consciousness/religious
- 自我意识 Consciousness/self
- 意识广度 Consciousness/span o
- 意识鎏 Consciousness/stream of
- 主体意识 Consciousness/subject
- 意识主体 Consciousness/subject of
- 意识国限 Consciousness/threshold of
- 常定假设 Constancy hypothesis
- 常定刺激法 Constant stimuli/method of