- 教育学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (一)大学及门考试;(二)注册 Matriculation
- 大学及门证书 Matriculation certificate
- 教材 Matter for teaching; Material of instruction; Subject matter
- 成熟考试 Maturity examination
- 格言 Maxim
- 迷津 Maze
- 平均数 Mean
- 平均差 Mean deviation; MN. D.; Average deviation; A.D.
- 平均差误 Mean error
- 测量 Measurement
- 视阈测量 Measurement of visual area
- 量表 Measuring scale
- 机械论 Mechanism
- 中位数 Median
- 间接经验 Mediate experience
- 医学院 Medical college; School of medicine; College of medicine
- 医学教育 Medical education
- 健康检查 Medical examination
- 疗治体操 Medical gymnastics
- 中古教育 Medieval education
- 沈郁质 Melancholic temperament; Nervous temperament
- 纪念日 Memorial day
- 记诵 Memorization
- 记忆 Memory
- 记忆曲线 Memory curve; Curve of memory