- 教育学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 教育学 Paideutics; Pedagogics; Pedagogy
- 儿童学 Paidology
- 痛觉 Pain sensation
- (一)痛觉官;(二)痛觉 Pain sense
- 宫庭学校 Palace school; Court school
- 恳亲会 Parent-teacher association
- 父母教育 Parental education
- 教区学校 Parish school; Parochial school
- 教区学校 Parochial school; Parish school
- 部份学习 Part learning
- 部份学习法 Part learning method; Part method
- 部份学习法 Part method; Part learning method
- 部份时间教育 Part-time education
- 半读生 Part-time student
- 兼任教员 Part-time teacher
- (一)偏相关;(二)净相关 Partial correlation
- 党务学校 Party school
- 寻常科(英) Pass course
- 寻常学位(英) Pass degree
- 寻常生(英) Pass student
- 被动主意 Passive attention
- 爱国主义 Patriotism
- 贫民学校 Pauper school; Poverty school; Ragged school
- 农民学校 Peasant school
- 教育学院 Pedagogical academy School of education; College of education
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