- 教育学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 活动分析 Activity analysis
- 活动课程 Activity curriculum
- 活动学校 Activity school
- 适应 Adaptation
- 年孕[俸 Additional salary of long service
- 活用课桌 Adjustable desk
- 活用座位 Adjustable seat
- (一)顺应;(二)调整 Adjustment
- 调整教室 Adjustment room
- 入学年龄 Admission age;Entrance age
- 入学资格 Admission qualification
- 入学标准 Admission requirements;Entrance requirements
- 选答法 Adoptation of answers
- 成人教育 Adult education
- 成人学校 Adult school
- 升级 Advancement;Promotion
- 航空学校 Aerial navigation school;Aviation academy
- 美的欣赏 Aesthetic appreciation
- 美育 Aesthetic culture;Aesthetic education;Esthetic education
- 美育 Aesthetic education;Aesthetic culture;Esthetic education
- 美感 Aesthetic feeling
- 审美 Aesthetic judgment
- 美育学 Aesthetic pedagogy
- 美学 Aesthetics;Esthetics
- (一)情感;(二)情感作用;(三)感情 Affection