- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 地籍测量;业权测量 title survey
- 土地业权 title to land
- 物业业权 title to property
- [Taoist monastery] 道院 to yuen
- 幼童游乐场地 toddler's play area
- 堤脚;坡脚 toe
- 护脚块体;坡脚砌块 toe block
- 斜坡脚;坡脚 toe of a slope
- 墙脚 toe of wall
- 坡脚保护;堤脚保护 toe protection
- 脚墙;矮墙 toe wall
- 在斜坡护面的墙脚栽种植物 toe wall planter
- 周边挡板;“踢脚板” toe-board
- 一起享有处所权益 together interested in the premises
- 厕所 toilet
- 暂准构筑物;暂准搭建物 tolerated structure
- 暂准书 toleration letter
- 暂准不符规定情况 toleration of irregularity
- 堂 tong
- 榫槽接;企口接 tongue and groove joint
- 企口板 tongued and grooved boarding
- 吊窗 top hung window
- 平顶 top out
- 顶栏杆;上横档〔栏杆〕 top rail
- 顶层 top storey