- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 土地供应及物业价格专责小组 Task Force on Land Supply and Property Prices
- [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 马坑公共房屋计划专责小组〔香港房屋委员会〕 Task Force on the Ma Hang Public Housing Development
- 补租地段 tax lord lot
- 滑行道 taxiway
- 顶手费;鞋金 tea money
- 柚木 teak
- 抗扯破强度 tearing strength
- 《监工计划书的技术备忘录》 Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans
- 技术主任 Technical Officer
- 工程建议书 technical proposal
- 工程证明书 technical reference
- 技术检讨委员会 Technical Review Board
- 工程规格附表 Technical Schedule
- 工程/费用比重 technical/fee weighting
- 适任技术人员 technically competent person
- 技术员学徒 technician apprentice
- 构造应力场 tectonic stress field
- T形接头;三通接头;“三叉” tee junction
- 电话电缆 telephone cable
- 大门电话对讲系统 telephone entry doorphone system
- 电话对讲系统 telephone entry system
- 公共发射站器材安装地点 telepoint equipment site
- 电视接收插座 television outlet
- 电视信号转播站 television signal transposer
- 排水系统电视勘测工作 television survey of drainage system