- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 重新按揭 remortgage
- 偏远地区 remote area
- 重塑黏土 remoulded clay
- 重塑土特性 remoulded properties
- 重塑样本 remoulded sample
- 重塑;改造 remoulding
- 搬迁津贴 removal allowance
- 搬迁及装修津贴 removal and decoration allowance
- 搬迁费用 removal charge
- 移土工程 removal of ground
- 清拆令 removal order
- 抹面;批荡;抹灰 rendering
- 底层批荡;底层灰浆 rendering coat
- 可续期政府租契 renewable Government lease
- 可续期租契 renewable lease
- 更新;续期 renewal
- 续期租契 renewed lease
- 翻新;整修 renovate
- 翻新单位 renovated flat
- 租金 rent
- [United Kingdom] 租务法令〔英国〕 Rent Act
- 负担租金能力 rent affordability
- 租金津贴 rent allowance
- 租卡;缴租卡 rent card
- 租金证明书 rent certificate