钢筋混凝土沉箱 reinforced concrete caisson钢筋混凝土封盖 reinforced concrete cover钢筋混凝土桩 reinforced concrete pile钢筋混凝土基座 reinforced concrete plinth钢筋混凝土屋顶 reinforced concrete roof钢筋混凝土结构;钢筋混凝土构筑物 reinforced concrete structure加筋土;加筋填土 reinforced earth加筋土;加筋填土 reinforced fill加筋土用的专利材料 reinforced fill proprietary product钢筋混凝土纵向护栏 reinforced profile concrete parapet钢筋;加固;加强 reinforcement钢筋条 reinforcement bar钢筋笼;钢筋骨架 reinforcement cage钢筋网 reinforcement fabric增强剂 reinforcing agent修复;恢复原状 reinstate修葺使之恢复原状 reinstate and make good翻修重用大厦 reinstated block翻修单位 reinstated flat恢复原状通知书 reinstatement notice恢复登记申请 reinstatement of an application[valuation] 加入重新评定的估价 reinstatement of premises恢复供应 reinstatement of supply恢复租赁 reinstatement of tenancy修复工程 reinstatement works 语际翻译 版权所有
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