- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 非结构工程 non-structural works
- 非户主住客 non-tenancy holder
- 不规则沉降;差异沉降 non-uniform settlement
- 市区以外地区 non-urban area
- 正断层 normal fault
- 正常荷载条件 normal loading condition
- 正常出路 normal means of egress
- 普通往复式 normal reciprocating
- 原来租金;一般租金;十足租金 normal rent
- 正应力;正向应力 normal stress
- 正常固结土 normally consolidated soil
- 新界西北部基本发展策略研究 North West New Territories Base Strategy Studies
- 新界西北部乡村防洪措施研究 North West New Territories Village Flood Protection Study
- 新界西北发展策略检讨 Northwest New Territories Development Strategy Review
- 梯级边缘;“级嘴” nosing
- 梯级边缘砖;“级嘴”瓷砖 nosing tile
- 投标须知 Notes for Tenderers
- 业主呈报协议加租通知书 Notice by a Landlord of Increase in Rent by Agreement
- 业主呈报新租约所订租金通知书 Notice by a Landlord of Rent Agreed for New Tenancy
- 业主致住客或主租客致分租客加租通知书 Notice by a Landlord or Principal Tenant of Increase in Rent
- 协议更改租金通知书 Notice of Alternation in Rent by Agreement
- 物业税评税通知书 Notice of Assessment for Property Tax
- 授权公告 notice of authorization
- 撤销通知书 notice of cancellation
- 撤销转归公告 Notice of Cancellation of Vesting