- 工程英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 非工业用地 non-industrial land
- 非承重 non-load bearing
- 新市镇以外地区工程计划 non-new town project
- 非核心家庭 non-nuclear family
- 非核心住户 non-nuclear household
- 非硬性规定续约 non-obligatory renewal
- 空置;无人住用;丢空 non-occupation
- 非自住业主 non-occupier owner
- 无机土 non-organic soil
- 非业主占用人 non-owner occupier
- 不可续期土地契约 non-renewable land lease
- 不可续期租契 non-renewable lease
- 专营权不可续期条款 non-renewal of franchise clause
- 非住宅物业 non-residential property
- 分区非住宿福利设施及其他设施的兴建计划 non-residential welfare facilities and other facilities programme by district
- 非住宿福利设施及校舍兴建计划 non-residential welfare facilities and school building programme
- 无独立设备大厦 non-self-contained block
- 无独立设备单位 non-self-contained flat
- 非作栖身用途 non-shelter purpose
- 不收缩薄浆 non-shrinkage grout
- 不收缩混凝土 non-shrinking concrete
- 防滑级边瓷砖 non-slip ceramic nosing
- 防滑地面;防滑表面 non-slip surface
- 非标准型大厦 non-standard block
- 非结构性裂缝 non-structural crack