- 水利工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 被动土压力系数 Coefficient of passive earth pressure
- 渗透系数 Coefficient of permeability
- 塑性系数 Coefficient of plasticity
- 刚性系数 Coefficient of rigidity
- 粗糙系数 Coefficient of roughness
- 径流系数 Coefficient of run-off
- 输泥系数 Coefficient of silt transfer
- 偏差系数 Coefficient of skew
- 蓄水系数 Coefficient of storage
- 地基反力系数 Coefficient of sub-grade reaction
- 骤缩系数 Coefficient of sudden contraction
- 膨胀系数 Coefficient of swelling
- 潮汐系数 Coefficient of tide
- 输送系数 Coefficient of transmissibility
- 上顶系数 Coefficient of uplift
- 变差系数 Coefficient of variation
- 流速系数 Coefficient of velocity
- 桩竪向反力系数 Coefficient of vertical pile reaction
- 滞性系数 Coefficient of viscosity
- 体减系数 Coefficient of volume decrease
- 体增系数 Coefficient of volume expansion
- 权系数 Coefficient of weight
- 立体系数 Coefficient, block
- 穴蚀系数 Coefficient, cavitation
- 曳力系数 Coefficient, drag