- 水利工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中黏土 Clay, medium
- 胶泥黏土 Clay, puddle
- 砂黏土 Clay, sandy
- 沉积黏土 Clay, sedimentary
- 沉泥黏土 Clay, silty
- 超黏土 Clay, ultra
- 净空 Clearance
- 干燥气候 Climate, arid
- 潮湿气候 Climate, humid
- 气候学 Climatology
- 风暴 Cloud burst
- 大砾石 Cobble
- 主动压力系数 Coefficient of active earth pressure
- 压实系数 Coefficient of compactness
- 压缩性系数 Coefficient of compressibility
- 固结系数 Coefficient of consolidation
- 约束系数 Coefficient of contraction
- 扩散系数 Coefficient of diffusion
- 流量系数 Coefficient of discharge
- 地基动性反力系数 Coefficient of dynamic sub-grade reaction
- 静止土压力系数 Coefficient of earth pressure at rest
- 弹回系数 Coefficient of elastic recovery
- 能量系数 Coefficient of energy
- 膨胀系数 Coefficient of expansion
- 动量传递系数 Coefficient of momentum transfer