- 台湾土木工程词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 融解指数 thawing index
- 戏院,剧场 theater
- 经传仪 theodolite
- 定理 theorem
- 面积矩定理 theorem of area moment
- 四力矩定理 theorem of four moment
- 最小功定理 theorem of least work
- 最小能量定理 theorem of minimum energy
- 逆挠定理 theorem of reciprocal deflection
- 三力矩定理 theorem of three moment
- 理论容量 theoretical capacity
- 理论流景 theoretical discharge
- 理论流 theoretical flow
- 理论力学 theoretical mechanics
- 理论收缩限度 theoretical shrinkage limit
- 理论流速 theoretical velocity
- 理论水力 theoretical water power
- 理论 theory
- 共扼应力理论 theory of conjugate stress
- 压实理论 theory of consolidation
- 弹性理论 theory of elasticity
- 格构模拟理论 theory of lattice analogy
- 塑性理论 theory of plasticity
- 逆挠理论 theory of reciprocal deflection
- 相对论 theory of relativity