窖屋 pit dwelling坑开挖 pit excavation坑卵石 ,坑砾石 pit gravel坑厕 pit privy坑砂 pit run sand坑砂 pit sand大锯中承旋开桥 pit saw斜凿面 pitch face沥青纤维管 pitch fibre pipe螺距规 pitch gage齿距线 pitch line柏油处理路面 pitch macadam拱之高跨比 pitch of arch波状高跨 pitch of corrugations管坡度 pitch of pipe铆钉距 pitch of rivets屋顶坡度 pitch of roof螺纹距 pitch of screw音节 pitch of sound楼梯坡度 pitch of stairs齿距 pitch of teeth螺纹距 pitch of thread音节 pitch of tone焊线距 pitch of weld脂松 pitch pine 语际翻译 版权所有
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